Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time to meet the animials.

First on the zoo's tour is our smallest (and possibly most dangerous) resident. It is Mason Kai. This 6 year old, blond one is known as "Bear." Today we hit a mile-stone. He lost his first tooth. The other Keeper and I have been watching for it to happen and now at long last- he lost the one on the lower front.
Masons are very complex creatures. They love cheese and mayonnaise sandwiches, pizza and chocolate milk. Our personal Mason likes to start his mornings with cereal-with-milk-in-a-bowl-with-a-spoon. He enjoys antagonizing the other residents here at the zoo. To calm an overly excited Mason, introduce him to a new set of markers or crayons and he will quickly search the house for paper.
This Mason goes to Kindergarten, but don't let that fool you. Mason's are smart. The one we got is quick witted, and continuously makes us Zookeepers laugh until we cry. (These instances will be latter referred too as Mason isms)- In fact just the other day the Zoo keeper that teachers his class told me that he stopped her on the playground to complain about a new child bothering him. She asked if Mason could tell her his name. Mason said "NO". When asked if he could tell her what the child looked like he said- "he has two eyes, and a mouth, and .......hair."
I am sure the teacher was able to spot that child immediately
The Mason at this zoo, likes to watch cartoons, and still manages to escape his cage every night. Never fear, he is always easy to find in the morning; In the zoo keepers bed