Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Prime Mate

This day "Marks" our 10th anniversary- I know that it seems like 100 years- Mark and I have seen many good times and a few bad. We have seen sickness and health- we have seen poorer- we are still waiting on the richer. Mark is working on his second month of sobriety and I am very grateful. He has been very supportive of my going back to school and tells me often that he is proud of me. Yesterday he surprised me with a beautiful necklace. I have wanted one with my birthstone for a while now and he really out did himself. He even got earrings to match. We have had a very rocky road. We agree that marriage is hard work. Many times we have both thought about throwing in the towel, but once past the initial frustration, we managed to hold on. We both wanted to thank our friends and family that have ridden on this roller coaster with us. We both appreciate the support.