Sunday, February 8, 2009

I hate to say it but, I think I am done with winter

As much as I really loved the first snowfall of winter; and watching my childrens' faces light up with the thought of sledding and snowman building. I have grown tired of being cold. I think it is time for a change. I am ready for summer. Yes, I know, I skipped spring. I did so intentionally. I like spring, the flowers, the greening of the trees and grass, but honestly I hate spring cleaning. In my house cleaning is a dirty word. It has a magical affect on my kids, I say clean and they immediately either disappear or they start whining. I would enjoy a full weekend with out them here, so I could get something done. I may send them to you...
Soon I will introduce you to the animals at the "Zoo" then you can take your pick.