Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Spell cheque

As my sister has pointed out in my last entry,I can't spell. Being a teacher (or soon to be teacher) one would think that this is a bad thing. On the contrary, I use it to my advantage. If I mistakenly misspell something in class, and am corrected by a student; the first thing I say is "Prove it." Once they show me the correct spelling, I simply give them extra credit for catching the error, and give a little speech on how I did it on purpose to see if they were paying attention. Then they begin to "proof read" all my work for the rest of the year. If I have to hand out extra credit to those students who are paying attention, they probably deserve it. I am a product of public education. This will be something that my students will be proud to say. I am proud to say that the class that I am student teaching has yet to catch me proving only one thing... Yes! I am smarter than a fifth grader.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Launching in 10...9...8...7...

So this is the first of my weekly blogs. I know that the only people that will actually read this are my sister, my mother and maybe Charlie's parents. I figure this was a good way of getting things off my mind, therapy, so to speak. Most of what you will read will be about my children and the daily antics at the zoo. I may even let you in on the inner most workings of my mind. ( that should be some easy reading....) I have found that if I sit down and let all of my thoughts slip out my fingertips, I actually get a good night sleep. So this may come across as the rambllings of a mad woman... the frusterations of a mother... or the inspired thoughts of a teacher.