Sunday, February 8, 2009

I hate to say it but, I think I am done with winter

As much as I really loved the first snowfall of winter; and watching my childrens' faces light up with the thought of sledding and snowman building. I have grown tired of being cold. I think it is time for a change. I am ready for summer. Yes, I know, I skipped spring. I did so intentionally. I like spring, the flowers, the greening of the trees and grass, but honestly I hate spring cleaning. In my house cleaning is a dirty word. It has a magical affect on my kids, I say clean and they immediately either disappear or they start whining. I would enjoy a full weekend with out them here, so I could get something done. I may send them to you...
Soon I will introduce you to the animals at the "Zoo" then you can take your pick.


  1. Those are my grandchildren you are farming out... I wish You lived closer & I would definately bring one home with me.. Maybe Aunt Nancy would like one? Send them to the Other gramma for the weekend next week.. & have your dear husband help clean for Food.. Clean clothes, and TV time..Happy Valentines!
    Thanks for posting.. when are you going to venture over to "the cutest blog on the block & spruce up that Zoo header?
    Love ya honey..

  2. How about if I just take their mom?

  3. If you get the kids off somewhere, I'll come help you clean! That way there would be time to share a bottle of wine and some good girl talk. I could use that!
