Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Launching in 10...9...8...7...

So this is the first of my weekly blogs. I know that the only people that will actually read this are my sister, my mother and maybe Charlie's parents. I figure this was a good way of getting things off my mind, therapy, so to speak. Most of what you will read will be about my children and the daily antics at the zoo. I may even let you in on the inner most workings of my mind. ( that should be some easy reading....) I have found that if I sit down and let all of my thoughts slip out my fingertips, I actually get a good night sleep. So this may come across as the rambllings of a mad woman... the frusterations of a mother... or the inspired thoughts of a teacher.


  1. I get to be first poster and follower! Glad to see you are on line!

  2. Boy that was fast... are you stocking me?

  3. Good Job.. I will be checking this daily.
    Love mom

  4. Yes, I like to keep a "stocking" of you on hand just in case I need a little Moxee moxey. I would stalk you to get that stock of you, actually. (it is okay...spell check would not have caught that one)

  5. Hey sis! That's a mighty pink blog you have. You never told me you finally caved to the pressure and have this blog here. Look forward to keeping up.
    big bro!
