Monday, March 30, 2009


Moving on from the video cage, we meet the Ali-skater. Close in relation to the Kia bear and the Diddy, this fine specimin is 15 years old. The scientific name for the aliskater is grownupis-too-fastious. He is amazing, he shows the responsibility level that out does many adults in his gender, yet stills loves the simple things that the teenage species adores. These things include (but are not limited to) eating, sleeping, girl watching, skateboarding, cell phones and music. The Ali-skater has a few things it finds annoying like school, chores and at times little brothers. This particular Ali-skater can be recognized by the cocky smile, hair brushed slighly over his eyes, and of course his jeans worn low across his bottom. This specimin is also amazing in the fact that he will do anything the zookeepers need him to, to make sure that the zoo is taken care of when the keepers aren't around. In fact, without this creature, this keeper would have never been able to get her degree, he is supportive and kind. We really won the lottery when it comes to him


  1. You forgot to mention how tall this one is...everytime I see him I think he grows another foot. (which may very well be why his pants are so low?)

  2. This young man is also my second grandson born. He will always be the apple of this grandmas eye. I was fortunate to be there when he embarked upon this planet. Alex you are terrific! Love gramma
