Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our newest addition

The newest exhibit at the Ziegler Zoo, is not a baby, and she is not all that unfamilliar to us. Taylor moved in with us in August. This particular speicies is very friendly, yet somewhat timid. She is a beauty. She has some of the same habits as the Aliskater- they are the same age, and she is very into what is "in". She loves clothes, make up and her cell phone. Taylor is a sophomore at East Valley, and we are very proud to say that she is the first sophomore in 20 years to take both senior math, advanced chemistry and German II. We were a bit unsure at first to have her move in to our zoo, but she has been a great addition.

1 comment:

  1. Yes she is a beauty.. and Smart too.. What are her plans for college?
