Friday, November 20, 2009

OK I know... It has been a long time since I last filled anyone in on my life. Right now I am subbing whenever I can. We did so much this summer after I graduated. A trip to Seattle, a trip to Oregon, and a great Football season for both Alex and Peyton. They both wore Mark's (and my Uncle Larry's) number #33. And I was so proud of both of them. Alex recovered several fumbles and ran one of them back for a TD. Peyton started off a bit timid, but after a few games really got into it and carried the ball a few times himself. Mason has lost all four of his front teeth an celebrated his THEVENTH birthday. Mark has been working constantly... and several hours of overtime later we are finally getting caught up with all the old bills, just in time for Christmas. We took a quick weekend trip to Idaho and attended Mark's sister's wedding. It was beautiful and so we all of my boys. Pics to come!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

I won... I lost.. I laughed... I cried

It has been so long since I updated this. So I will try to catch up. I am so excited I have finally graduated. I have my teaching degree. It was a long time in comming. And I could never have done it without the love and support of my family and friends. Especially Alex, he gave up many weeknights to watch his brothers- (I did a really amazing job raising that one) The only regret I have is that I lost someone. My Stepdad, Brian, died before I could show him my diploma. But I know that he was holding back the rain clouds so I could graduate in the sunshine. I really miss him, but I know that he would be really proud of all that I have done.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our newest addition

The newest exhibit at the Ziegler Zoo, is not a baby, and she is not all that unfamilliar to us. Taylor moved in with us in August. This particular speicies is very friendly, yet somewhat timid. She is a beauty. She has some of the same habits as the Aliskater- they are the same age, and she is very into what is "in". She loves clothes, make up and her cell phone. Taylor is a sophomore at East Valley, and we are very proud to say that she is the first sophomore in 20 years to take both senior math, advanced chemistry and German II. We were a bit unsure at first to have her move in to our zoo, but she has been a great addition.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Moving on from the video cage, we meet the Ali-skater. Close in relation to the Kia bear and the Diddy, this fine specimin is 15 years old. The scientific name for the aliskater is grownupis-too-fastious. He is amazing, he shows the responsibility level that out does many adults in his gender, yet stills loves the simple things that the teenage species adores. These things include (but are not limited to) eating, sleeping, girl watching, skateboarding, cell phones and music. The Ali-skater has a few things it finds annoying like school, chores and at times little brothers. This particular Ali-skater can be recognized by the cocky smile, hair brushed slighly over his eyes, and of course his jeans worn low across his bottom. This specimin is also amazing in the fact that he will do anything the zookeepers need him to, to make sure that the zoo is taken care of when the keepers aren't around. In fact, without this creature, this keeper would have never been able to get her degree, he is supportive and kind. We really won the lottery when it comes to him

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Diddy

The next stop at the zoo is to see the Diddy. His scientific name is PlayusVidios, but we call him Peyton. Our Peyton is a second grader with a toothy smile and a great personality. He is very smart, sometimes too smart. He can remember almost anything.(especially things we hope he wont) Peyton is the first one to tell us "Remember when you said...." He is taller than the Bear we visited earlier. though the two dwell in the same cage, and agree that having a mess is better than cleaning any day. To say that he enjoys video games is an understatement. He wakes up very early on the weekends to play the Wii uninterrupted by any of his siblings- fortunately they all sleep in so he is free to play, and play, and play.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Prime Mate

This day "Marks" our 10th anniversary- I know that it seems like 100 years- Mark and I have seen many good times and a few bad. We have seen sickness and health- we have seen poorer- we are still waiting on the richer. Mark is working on his second month of sobriety and I am very grateful. He has been very supportive of my going back to school and tells me often that he is proud of me. Yesterday he surprised me with a beautiful necklace. I have wanted one with my birthstone for a while now and he really out did himself. He even got earrings to match. We have had a very rocky road. We agree that marriage is hard work. Many times we have both thought about throwing in the towel, but once past the initial frustration, we managed to hold on. We both wanted to thank our friends and family that have ridden on this roller coaster with us. We both appreciate the support.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time to meet the animials.

First on the zoo's tour is our smallest (and possibly most dangerous) resident. It is Mason Kai. This 6 year old, blond one is known as "Bear." Today we hit a mile-stone. He lost his first tooth. The other Keeper and I have been watching for it to happen and now at long last- he lost the one on the lower front.
Masons are very complex creatures. They love cheese and mayonnaise sandwiches, pizza and chocolate milk. Our personal Mason likes to start his mornings with cereal-with-milk-in-a-bowl-with-a-spoon. He enjoys antagonizing the other residents here at the zoo. To calm an overly excited Mason, introduce him to a new set of markers or crayons and he will quickly search the house for paper.
This Mason goes to Kindergarten, but don't let that fool you. Mason's are smart. The one we got is quick witted, and continuously makes us Zookeepers laugh until we cry. (These instances will be latter referred too as Mason isms)- In fact just the other day the Zoo keeper that teachers his class told me that he stopped her on the playground to complain about a new child bothering him. She asked if Mason could tell her his name. Mason said "NO". When asked if he could tell her what the child looked like he said- "he has two eyes, and a mouth, and"
I am sure the teacher was able to spot that child immediately
The Mason at this zoo, likes to watch cartoons, and still manages to escape his cage every night. Never fear, he is always easy to find in the morning; In the zoo keepers bed